
Welcome! 👋

I am Ercan Ünal, a Software Developer
with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in ReactJS and React Native, NodeJS with Express, MongoDB. A strong IT specialist with a BS in Computer Education and Instructional Technology from the Middle East Technical University.

Personal Projects


A Trello Clone built using Typescript and React.


A flappy bird clone built with Phaser game engine


The urcode consists of several categories. Each category is labeled with a letter and some qualifiers. Go through each category and determine which set of qualifiers best describes you in that category. By selecting the right qualifiers and submitting this form, you are able to construct your overall urcode. Some of the qualifiers will very probably not match with you exactly. It is impossible to cover all possibilities in each category. Simply choose that qualifier that most closely matches you. Each description of each qualifier describes the wide range of activities that apply, so as long as you match with one, you can probably use that qualifier.

react nativejavascript

A react native mobile application that informs users about curfew period.


Real time chat application made with html,css,javascript,socket.io

javascriptvscode extension

niminy is an extension that includes a number of functions to increase productivity. niminy is counting down from the selected duration and warns the user when the time is up.

map pinner

Interactive map application using react and openstreetmap api